Wednesday 17 September 2014

Best 6 Gifts for Teens They Cannot Refuse

Teenagers are a kaleidoscope of feelings and emotions, which change quicker than a change of clothes. This is why it is often difficult to put a finger on a particular characteristic of theirs, which would help buy gifts for teens.

Every family who is raising a teenager has one question to ask – should their teenage children not take their responsibilities seriously now that they are adults? The question itself is contradictory. Are the teenagers still kids or adults? That is quite the dilemma the teens themselves face. Teenage is a difficult age, or that is what the popular belief is. In addition, misbranding teenagers as obnoxious and unruly children who defy their elders is a common phenomenon. These statements may or may not be true; however, traversing through ‘The Teenage’, is not a walk in the park.

Since it is hard to comprehend what a teen would like, it is equally tough to please them with the gifts you choose. Deciphering teenage likes and dislikes might take you a lot of time. However, thinking out of the box helps sometimes. Although shopping for teens is difficult, gifts for teens are not hard to find:

Photo Frame: Picture frames display one’s most affectionate recollections. Big or small, single framed or multiple, wooden or metallic, a variety of photo frames are available in the market. If you feel creatively inspired, design a special photo frame on your own for the special teenage recipient. On one hand, where a single photo frame will store any one picture, a multiple aperture frame will bring various fond memories together. Choose a frame, which matches their room decor. 

Movie DVD: Everybody has a favourite genre when it comes to movies and teenage viewers are no different. Comedy, romance, horror, action, thriller, Hollywood movies, Bollywood movies, World movies, the list of genres can go on. Considering his or her preferences, select from a wide range of old and latest movies.

Personalised Coffee Mugs: If there anything, which speaks loads about someone, it is their personal belongings. A personalised mug is even more special because it shows how much the giver knows about the recipient and his or her thoughtfulness too. Personalising a coffee mug is possible in many ways, most popular being the photo mugs and ones with quotes.

Perfumes: Perfumes are a perfect go to gifts for teens when nothing else seems to suffice. Perfumes from international brands are popular amongst adult and young adult recipients.

Room Décor: As opposed to popular belief, that teenagers are irresponsible when it comes to keeping their rooms clean, there are many who like to clean and decorate it tastefully. Clocks, curtains, throw pillows, wall stickers, etc. all is worth gifting.

Bags & Accessories: One thing that defines a teenager is his or her fashion sense and personal style. Bags and accessories play an important role in accentuating their personality and appearance. Starting from everyday bags to trendy sunglasses, the variety of gifts is quite wide.

Child development experts say that teenagers need space and the opportunity to establish their own identity, and elders should understand that. As long as the teens do not abuse their independence, nurturing their unique personality with ideal gifts for teens is the right thing to do.

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