Wednesday 16 September 2015

Develop Young Minds with Your Gifts

Your children are fast learners. Even more than what you expect them to be. They learn from various sources – either from you or from others, whether things or people. Sometimes they even mimic the actions and sounds of their toys. Thus, it becomes your utmost responsibility as a parent to take care what surrounds your child. When you buy gifts for kids whether yours or someone else’s, be careful of what you buy for them. Choose your gift for them depending on their age, gender and what standard they study in school. This will help you categorise your options and help you choose your gift better.

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In terms of age base your selection on what age category they belong – newborns (0 – 6 months), infants (7 months -1 year), toddlers (1 – 3 years), preschool (3 – 6 years), school going (6 – 10 years), pre-teens (10 – 12 years) and teens (13 – 15 years). In terms of gender, select gifts for kids based on if you are buying for boys or girls. Contrary to last to categorization, when you decide to pick your gift based on what they have been learning in school, your scope of options increases. You can gift them books based on their likes or subject they are studying – history, sciences and interesting facts about them, languages, etc., or hobby gifts, educational toys, outdoor and indoor sports equipment and sets, backpacks, and bags, gadgets, music instruments, etc.
If you are still in doubt about your gifts for kids, settle for the usual. Depending on the age of the child, you can gift them latest gadgets, latest trends in kid’s fashion, outdoor leisure commodities – bicycle, skateboards or roller skates, etc. Try to have a broad outlook in your choices by trying to see things from a kid’s point of view and it will help you to decide.

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